God, I'm a idiot. I've been so fed up with how the worlds been shaping out. And NO ONES GETTING OFF THERE LAZY BUTTS TO DO SOMTHING! NOT BUSH! NOT THE CITZENS OF THE USA! NOT ANYONE ON THIS FLIPPIN PLANET! UGH!
So, I kinda got mad at Sky, Beany, and Thorny at TTOCW.
It started when I said that it would cost money to breath one day. They all rolled my eyes at me. Beany started ranting on, and Thorny said "I try not to think about the real world at these places" And Sky said "I agree with Thorny." And of coarse, I got mad. Thorny doesn't think about the real world?! UGH! I screamed
"FINE! Become beggars on the highway for all I care! You hate me for expressing my feelings anyway!" And left. I never heard their replies. Don't want to anyway.
I went to check, hiding my idenity. I was suprised I wasn't banned. Sky must have gotten softer. Beany said she wanted to die. I wonder if it was me. (Hope not... ): ) Thorny showed nothing whatso ever. 'Cept that she was working on her site.
Am I mad? HECK YES! These children don't give a crap if they only get a very bad job and bye cheep-o food. They don't care if they marry only because the guy is rich! THEY DON'T CARE IF THEY DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
I lost two friends today. Beany might forgive me. Thorny? No, I don't think so. Maybe. Sky? She never liked me. She never will.
Song Lyric of Day:
"As I sweep the streets I used to own."
- Viva la Viva: Coldplay